The Nimbus Cloud Dome Debuts for Quick, Easy Product Photography

The Nimbus Cloud Dome Debuts for Quick, Easy Product Photography


Hampstead, MD—OmegaBrandess and Cloud Dome announced the Nimbus Cloud Dome, the follow-up to the original Cloud Dome invented by Cindy Lichfield to help home-based jewelry and craft businesses succeed in getting their product shots online for marketing.

As a jeweler, Cindy Lichfield was frustrated with how long she spent taking her product shots for her website and online marketing efforts. With help from her father, Ernie Lichfield, a meteorologist and inventor of weather-measuring devices, and local inventor Dave Burchett, she took today’s smart phone technology and one of her previous inventions and shrunk it down to create an innovative way to take quick and easy product photography.

The biggest problem Lichfield found to selling her products online was finding an affordable way to capture the beauty of her pieces photographically. Hot spots, shadows and inconsistent lighting frustrated her, so she sought advice from professional photographers and took photography classes.

Lichfield then turned to her knowledge of weather and clouds. She knew clouds evenly diffuse light and on a cloudy day details and a variety of shades could be seen. Could she create something that worked like a cloud—something to filter the light? The original Cloud Dome was born. Now with the addition of a smartphone, the smaller version has been launched as Nimbus Cloud Dome.

The portable mini-studio is for all small product photography that fits under the compact dome. It is also designed to solve lighting challenges for reflective surfaces such as jewelry, coins and circuit boards. The Nimbus Cloud Dome is distributed by OmegaBrandess.