WYNIT Pushes Recycling

WYNIT Pushes Recycling


WYNIT last week announced that it plans to encourage its network of dealers to embrace recycling of electronics, through the EPA program known as “eCycling.”

The program has four components, all of which WYNIT wishes to encourage. Users and retailers should reduce energy consumption, reuse electronics through donation, recycle unused products, and rethinking their electronics habits, in purchasing of green electronics.

“All consumers should avoid throwing old gadgets in the trash because their inner workings can contain toxic materials including lead, beryllium, cadmium and flame retardants that get into the environment,” WYNIT vice president of marketing Jay LaBarge said as part of the announcement. “Our company will actively encourage all manufacturers from which we purchase consumer electronics and the thousands of dealers to whom we sell those products to aggressively support the eCycling program.”

For more on the company, visit www.wynit.com