6Sight Adds Kodak’s Lloyd

6Sight Adds Kodak’s Lloyd


Organizers of the 6Sight conference, to be held in Monterey, Ca., November 18-20, 2008 have announced that Bill Lloyd, Kodak’s chief technical officer, will joins this year’s event, “to share his vision for simplifying the complex digital imaging experience.”

More than a century ago, Kodak promised consumers “You Press the Button, We Do the Rest,” allowing consumers to enjoy the experience of photography without understanding the complexity. With technology changing that experience, there is a need to remove complexities from the process and make “Press the Button 2.0” a reality. 6Sight tells us that Lloyd will describe how artificial intelligence, image understanding, ubiquitous networking, automated image tagging, hybrid display/input devices and much more can make the experience enjoyable once again.

As we mentioned in this space earlier this year, a revolutionary voice, Guy Kawasaki kicks off 6Sight 2008 with the AIE Official Business Session Keynote Address. Kawasaki will provide his provocative take on the strategic direction of businesses for the next three to five years.

Following Kawasaki’s AIE Official Business Session Keynote Address is the 6Sight Welcome Reception at the Maritime Museum of Monterey. “Connect with familiar faces and form strategic relationships at one of Monterey’s “must-see” locations,” organizers add. Check out www.6Sight.com to find out more.