Editor’s Note: Challenging Times

Editor’s Note: Challenging Times


We are certainly living though challenging times. As if the Covid pandemic wasn’t enough to handle, we’re now facing record gas prices; a brutal war in Ukraine; and inflation that we haven’t seen since the 1980s.

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Jerry Grossman

Consumers are faced with a strange dichotomy; they’re seeing record employment and a growing economy in the face of a stock market correction that is hitting our retirement accounts as well as wreaking havoc with consumer confidence.

We thought that we’d face the inflation issue head on in my Strategy Session column this month. I picked the brain of Pini Mandel, CEO and cofounder of Quicklizard, to get his suggestions on how retailers can manage during these inflationary times. Of course, his recommendations are meant just as a guide; every retailer has their own unique circumstances to deal with.

Superstars in Challenging Times

What’s more, during these challenging times, we wanted to once again salute those employees in our industry who keep the cash registers ringing. Our fifth annual Superstars behind the Counter article recognizes those on the front lines of our industry. We also thank all of those who sent us their nominations. (One glaring inadvertency is the all-male slate of winners! We hope to have more diverse nominations next year!)

Further, the professional cameras and the new products that are launched into the market continually impress us. The pro mirrorless and DSLR cameras featured in Jason Schneider’s article represent the very best our industry offers. We are proud to present this industry roundup for our readers.

Finally, our 16th Rudy Awards put a spotlight on the amazing range of imaging products recently released as well.