What Celeb Do You Look Like?

What Celeb Do You Look Like?


Once again, if you cruise around the Net long enough, there’s no telling what you’ll find. A few months ago it was a site that allowed users to place the head of their pet in a variety of military uniforms…and then order the creation as an 8×10.

We now offer you this option at www.myheritage.com––an opportunity to upload an image of yourself to find out what celebrity you most look like. That’s right, people have been telling you that you look like Brad Pitt for years and now you can confirm all the commotion. Of course, there’s also the chance the results may come back claiming you look more like Gilbert Godfrey too. The deal is you upload a headshot to the site, they run it through their celeb database of images using face detection software and about a minute later up pops the celebrity image that most resembles you. Fun, effortless and the kind of thing that keeps folks clicking and talking, talking and clicking. Through all this technological change they are subjected to, consumers still love laughing, carrying on over and just generally enjoying their pictures.