CEA Line Shows Returning to New York

CEA Line Shows Returning to New York


Looking for the right place and right time to maximize your message? CEA Line Shows, the CE industry's official midyear conference and tech showcase, returns to New York on June 22 and 23.

 This trade-only event attracted more than 1,100 media, N.Y.-area retailers and thought leaders in 2009. Meet hundreds of press and your targeted prospects before the selling season starts, and attend manufacturer line shows for media and dealers, press conferences with key industry analysts, an innovation-focused conference program chaired by CBS/CNET correspondent Natali Del Conte, and CEA's state of the industry midyear analyst briefing.

From a startup at a tabletop to a technology giant in a private show room, every exhibit comes completely turnkey. For more information, contact: Eric Schwartz at (215) 238-5420 or eschwartz@napco.com.

 Click here for more information on the event.