Motorola, RIM Lead in Mobile Market Share

Motorola, RIM Lead in Mobile Market Share


According to the latest numbers released by comScore MobiLens service, Motorola has maintained the top spot in OEM market share for U.S. mobile phones, while Research in Motion's BlackBerry remains the top smartphone operating system.

comScore found that of mobile phones in the U.S. in the third quarter of 2009, Motorola held 23.5 percent of the market, narrowly edging out LG (21.9 percent) and Samsung 21.2 percent; Nokia and Research in Motion were fourth and fifth with less than 10 percent each.

In terms of smartphone market share, Research in Motion kept the top spot with 41.6 percent, followed by Apple (25.3 percent) and Microsoft (18 percent); Palm's Web OS and Google's Android took the fourth and fifth spots.

In addition, the survey found that 63.1 percent of those asked used their phone for text messaging, while 27.5 percent used Web browsing and 21.6 percent played games.

Click here for more on comScore's numbers.