New RAZR Cam Phone Coming in July

New RAZR Cam Phone Coming in July


Motorola recently announced that the next generation of the popular RAZR phone will begin appearing in stores in July in several markets. The RAZR2 line will feature three separate handsets, and be available for Sprint, Cingular/AT&T, and Verizon.

The new RAZR will be two millimeters smaller than its predecessor, but will boast an internal screen with twice the resolution of the original phone. It will also be more scratch-resistant, feature more processing speed, come equipped with Google’s new phone-search technology, and, of course, feature a 2-megapixel camera and music player.

The three phones in the line, called the V9, the V9m, and the V8, will work with the three major wireless networks in the U.S. The phones are available for pre-order at