Mizco’s DigiPower Division Spotlights Chargers

Mizco’s DigiPower Division Spotlights Chargers


Asserting that today’s pocket video camera buyers are looking for power solutions as flexible and innovative as the cameras themselves, Mizco International’s DigiPower Division (Booth#X108) took the wraps off its new line up of uniquely designed, high performance P-CAM power chargers at PMA 2010 in Tech Suite 108 at the Anaheim Convention Center.  In doing so, DigiPower Division President, Maurice Mizrahi, pledged to lead the industry in developing power solutions that meet the needs of the rapidly growing and expanding market.

“Charging power may not sound sexy, but it is critical to the performance of today’s pocket video cameras,” Mizrahi emphasized today. “The power solutions developed for these products must be flexible, multi-functional and durable if they are to stand up to the requirements of pocket video camera consumers. 

“These consumers don’t want to have to think about power. They just want it to be available whenever and wherever they need it and that’s the philosophy we brought to the design of our new products.”