onOne Software’s Perfect Photo Suite 8 Now Available

onOne Software’s Perfect Photo Suite 8 Now Available


Portland, OR—onOne Software, Inc., a developer of digital photography solutions, announced the availability of Perfect Photo Suite 8—a full-featured, stand-alone photo editor that integrates with Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Photoshop Elements and Apple Aperture.

New features include the Perfect Eraser, with content-aware fill technology; the Perfect Enhance module for essential photo adjustments; a Browser module that streamlines access to images wherever they are located; the Perfect Batch engine that applies presets to multiple images with a single click; and a reengineered Perfect Effects module, with twice as many adjustable filters, customizable presets and integrated FocalPoint technology.

These new tools and capabilities, alongside Perfect Photo Suite 8’s eight modules, one-click presets, tools for automated enhancements and intuitive controls, are designed to allow photographers to enhance, retouch and stylize images in a layered workflow, replace backgrounds, create quality enlargements and prepare images for output.

“We are extremely excited about Perfect Photo Suite 8,” said Craig Keudell, president of onOne Software. “This version is the result of what photographers have been asking for, not only from us but from the industry as a whole. We’re grateful for the contributions and feedback the photography community has invested in our effort and we believe that we’ve created an extraordinarily powerful image editing tool that meets their specific needs in return.”

The new software integrates eight modules: Effects, Enhance, B&W, Portrait, Mask, Layers, Resize, and Browse. Each module is designed to target a specific image-processing task. The new Browse module was added to provide convenient and direct access to image files wherever they are stored—whether they are on a computer, an external drive, a connected network or on a cloud-based storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive or Apple’s Photo Stream.

As a cornerstone of Perfect Photo Suite 8, its Effects module was redesigned by adding adjustable filters and customizable presets, making it a versatile image stylization tool. And there are now twice as many adjustable filters, including: dynamic contrast, which exaggerates the levels of contrast without sacrificing highlight and shadow detail, creating halos or affecting saturation; lens blur, to create bokeh, tilt-shift and selective focus effects after the shot; HDR with adjustable settings to create high dynamic range effects from subtle to surreal; vintage, with retro-style filters; and powerful brushes for specific editing tasks, like perfect eraser to remove objects with content-aware fill technology, a retouch brush to spot heal or remove small distractions, a clone brush that removes unwanted items by replicating and covering specified areas of an image, a masking brush to reveal underlying layers or selectively applies effects, and perfect brush for precise edge-detection masking.

In addition, hundreds of customizable presets are available throughout Perfect Photo Suite 8 to make it easy for any photographer to instantly create an enhanced image. Presets can also be used as starting points for creativity and efficiency. Presets are included in the Enhance, Effects, B&W, Portrait, and Resize modules.

onOne Software’s Perfect Photo Suite 8 is available in three editions: Premium, Standard and for Adobe Lightroom & Apple Aperture. The Premium edition, $175.95, works with Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Photoshop Elements and Apple Aperture, and as a stand-alone application. Owners of previous versions of Perfect Photo Suite Premium can upgrade for $99.95.

Perfect Photo Suite 8 for Adobe Lightroom & Apple Aperture works with Lightroom, Aperture, Photoshop Elements, and also as a stand-alone application. It is available for $129.95; upgrades are $79.95. The Standard edition works as a stand-alone photo editor and is available for $79.95. ononesoftware.com