There was standing room only at Sunday morning’s Sony press event, which began with the “trading out” of Nikon badge holders for ones emblazoned with the Sony brand. Several company VIPs, including David Migdal, Brennan Mullin and Mashashi Imamura, talked about new product and Sony’s overall strategy for the future.
In approximately 15-20 minutes, Sony informed the press and camera groupies that it was introducing 16 new handy camcorders and bloggie cameras; seven new Cyber Shots with lots of new features such as high tolerance to cold, dust and water, to name a few.
Photographer Brian Smith, who was enamored with the line’s improved panorama mode, literally chopped a camera out of a block of ice then photographed the crowd. He performed the same tricks with dust and water to an ever-impressed press corps.
But the most interesting new product—one that bridges the gap between point-and-shoots and DSLRs is Sony’s DSLR-quality Ultra Compact Interchangeable Lens Camera, which, Mr. Imamura said can be used “anytime, anywhere.”
Sony believes most camera users are striving to take better pictures, but are having trouble, and this camera is for them.
Though they’ve launched this new product, the company says it is still sharply focused on DSLR business and will introduce new models soon. Drop by booth number #2220 to check out all the new products.