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Tag: Printing solutions

What Have You Printed On Lately?

If the past is prologue, what’s our takeaway from Q4 2015 in the photo industry? With the holidays behind us, let’s stop, reflect and...

The Pro Printer Picture

DNP Wireless Print Server & Status App: Mobile Support for Dye-Sub Photo PrintersDNP Imagingcomm America Corp.’s (DNP IAM) new Wireless Print Server (WPS) mobile...

Generating Print Orders with Photo Apps

Consumer imaging has undergone a dramatic change in the last two decades—from sophisticated film cameras with all the bells and whistles to digital point...

PlanOn Announces Printstik: “World’s Smallest Portable Bluetooth & USB Printer”

Mississauga, Canada—PlanOn, a provider of scanning and printing solutions for the mobile professional, announced PrintStik, which it is marketed as the “world’s smallest full-page...

Kodak Board Elects Senior Vice President

Rochester, NY—Kodak’s board of directors elected Douglas Edwards as a senior vice president of the company. Edwards, 51, is president of Kodak’s Digital Printing...

Engaging Your Customers with 3D Mania

You’ve undoubtedly gotten wind of all the 3D mania that has taken over Hollywood as well as the imaging and consumer electronic worlds in...

Shop Talk: Ron Glaz, Director of Digital Imaging Solutions and...

"We feel with the economy where it is, a lot of people are cutting back on trips and presents, but we always see in...

Rohit de Souza, Vice President, Retail Publishing, HP

Picture Business had the opportunity to chat with HP’s Vice President, Retail Publishing, Rohit de Souza. His insight into the future of how consumers...

Photo Plus Delivers the Usual – Energy, Buzz & NY Panache

The annual Photo Plus Expo concluded in New York this past weekend and despite what some might say was a smaller exhibition space (if...

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