Editor’s Note: No News Will Be Old News

Editor’s Note: No News Will Be Old News



When Alan and I purchased Photo Industry Reporter in 2005, the publishing world was certainly in a different place. The Internet was in its infancy, and print publications were the bedrock of the communications industry. Even in our little corner of the world, there were four imaging trade magazines catering to the same audience.

no news-photo-dealers-best-of-the-best-something we can do-pro endorsements lessons learned e-tailer of the year Family Reunions CES That Wasn't Turn the page Smartphone Debate PRO Alex boost 2019 State of the Industry June 2019 editor's note Jerry-Grossman-cropped-7-2016
Jerry Grossman

Today in 2023, we’re proud to stand as the last of those four magazines. And while we launched our website soon after purchasing PIR (and subsequently changed our name to Digital Imaging Reporter), we resisted the urge to halt our print publication. We even resisted shrinking the size of our magazine to save on printing costs!

Recently, we talked about how we can continue to best serve our readers, and whether our print magazine was critical to that objective. We’ve seen more and more of our readers active on our DIReporter.com website. And we also recognize the incredible popularity of social media and its ability to attract new customers in unique and creative ways. Quite honestly, we thought our resources could be better spent on delivering a stronger online product than we can with a bimonthly print magazine.

So, beginning today, we are embarking on a new chapter of Digital Imaging Reporter as a 100% digital experience. We will no longer deliver a print magazine to our readers.

No News Will Be Old News

Here is the GREAT news. You are going to receive more up-to-the-minute news stories on our website every day. You’ll no longer have to wait at your mailbox to see stories that might seem outdated to you. We will post new articles to DIReporter.com every day.

In addition, we’ll still feature our columnists and special features, like our State of the Industry, E-tailer of the Year and Dealer of the Year. Of course, we will continue as the imaging industry’s news source. However, with our new digital platform, no news will be old news.

We are also doubling down on Instagram and Facebook. We are increasing our exposure on those main social platforms with creative stories and posts that will drive our followers to our website, which will significantly increase our readership.

Moreover, we will increase our efforts to reach our followers with up-to-the-minute news with our News Briefs and Breaking News e-mails to subscribers. Further, we will send out exclusive e-mails on behalf of our advertisers.

We also look forward to working with our manufacturing and imaging retail partners to share their Instagram posts on our social media. We continue to see the dealer network as valuable partners in this endeavor, and we’re excited to continue this collaboration.

So how can you improve your DIR experience?

  1. Follow us on Instagram (@direporter) and Facebook (facebook.com/direporter), and we will follow you as well!
  2. Click into the DIReporter.com articles from our Instagram feed through the link in our bio or from our Instagram Stories.
  3. We will share your posts on Instagram and Facebook to broaden your audience as we broaden ours.
  4. If you’re reading a story on DIReporter.com that you think will interest others, please share it.
  5. Leave comments on the stories on our website or social media so we can start conversations within our network.
  6. Sign up for our newsletter and you’ll receive weekly News Briefs and Breaking News as soon as it happens.
  7. We’d love to hear from you! DM us if you have ideas for articles or features you’d like to see us cover.

Will we miss producing our print magazine after 31 years? Absolutely. However, we are convinced this move is in the best interest of our readers and the imaging industry. From this time forward, no news will be old news for Digital Imaging Reporter.