CEA Honors Revolution Chairman & CEO and Congressman Goodlatte as Digital Patriots

CEA Honors Revolution Chairman & CEO and Congressman Goodlatte as Digital Patriots


Arlington, VA—The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) honored internet pioneer and Revolution chairman and CEO Steve Case along with U.S. Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) for their instrumental roles in supporting and advancing technology innovation. The ceremony took place at CEA’s 11th Annual Digital Patriots Dinner held April 14, 2015 in Washington, DC.

The Digital Patriots dinner kicked off a week of technology policy events aimed at showcasing the importance of innovation to members of Congress and the DC tech policy community.

Steve Case accepted his award after Gary Shapiro, CEA’s CEO and president, noted both his crucial role in creating AOL, one of the great American success stories, and his contributions to entrepreneurship by supporting pro-innovation public policy and entrepreneurship across America.

“Entrepreneurs are alive and well all across the country,” Case noted as he accepted his award. “We need to develop more strategic partnerships to move ideas forward and engage with governments. We are now in the third wave of technology, where the Internet is integrating seamlessly into all aspects of our lives, from education to healthcare.”

U.S. Congressman Bob Goodlatte was recognized for his long-standing leadership in Congress on intellectual property, patent reform and technology issues. During his acceptance remarks, Goodlatte noted the importance of entrepreneurial freedom.

“We need to make sure the judicial system is fair to innovators, which is why I introduced patent reform legislation,” Goodlatte said. “We need real immigration reform. This country is a leader in innovation. Folks come here to this place that rewards creativity. I am working to make the SKILLS visa Act move thru Congress this session.”

Gary Shapiro kicked off the Digital Patriots dinner with opening remarks reminding technology developers that members of Congress need to hear their stories and learn about the latest innovations. Shapiro also announced the results of CEA’s inaugural Innovation Scorecard, a report that evaluates and ranks states’ innovation friendliness in 10 areas. States recognized for leading the country as “Innovation Champions” include Delaware, Washington, DC, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Virginia.
As sponsors of the Digital Patriots dinner, Audi, MakerBot, Parrot and Volkswagen demonstrated their newest and most innovative technologies, which included electric vehicles, 3D printers and drones.

Highlight videos of the 2015 Digital Patriot honorees can be found at ce.org/digitalpatriots.