Editor’s Note: Turning the Corner

Editor’s Note: Turning the Corner


As I’m writing the Editor’s Note for this issue of DIR, it really feels like we are turning the corner on the Covid-19 pandemic disaster.

turning the corner CES That Wasn't Turn the page Smartphone Debate PRO Alex boost 2019 State of the Industry June 2019 editor's note Jerry-Grossman-cropped-7-2016
Jerry Grossman

Vaccinations are routinely getting into people’s arms; hospitalizations are down; and the sun is starting to shine again. However, we will never forget the more than 525,000 Americans who died during the past year. Certainly, the year 2020 was one for the ages.

Turning the Corner

Our hope at Digital Imaging Reporter is that with the spring will come new life to our economy; and that we will begin to see retail sales come back to pre-Covid-19 levels—and better.

I believe you all have received an education you never thought or wished you would get; namely, how to survive a pandemic. Nonetheless, the hard lessons learned, and the resilience you all saw in your employees and in yourselves, will go a long way in demonstrating how we can survive anything. I’m not sure we will be tested like this again (I hope not), but somehow I believe we will all be ready.

So, pat yourselves on the back. What’s more, when this is truly over, throw a party for your employees. And give out some free hugs while you are at it.

Congratulations on a job well done.