Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic Digital Back

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic Digital Back

New Back Focused on Black-and-White Photography

Phase One IQ3 100MP Achromatic: © Joel Tjintjellaar

New York, NY—Phase One launched the first 101 megapixel achromatic digital back—the IQ3 100MP Achromatic. The back features a new CMOS sensor design as well as a focus on classic black-and-white photography. Phase One A/S is a provider of medium-format digital photography systems and imaging solutions for professional photographers and also industrial applications.

With a top ISO of 51,200, Phase One claims “it stands out as the most light sensitive medium-format digital back available today, and its unmatched resolution offers photographers a new way to explore and express their visions without compromise.”

Phase One 1Q3 100MP Achromatic
on XF Camera: © Alexia Sinclair

The IQ3 100MP Achromatic’s 101MP sensor is produced without a Bayer color filter. It thus allows all available light to be captured unaltered and unobstructed. With no color information to be interpreted, the sensor is free to focus solely on capturing a high level of detail, nuance and luminance.

“The IQ3 100MP Achromatic enables photographers to capture a timeless expression,” said Stefan Sandor, vice president, Marketing and Product Management. “The detail, tonality and image quality must be experienced firsthand, as seeing is not only believing, but truly inspirational.”

Produced without an Infrared (IR) cutoff filter, the IQ3 100MP Achromatic can capture light outside the visible spectrum. As a result, it offers benefits for artistic and infrared applications. Phase One believes these imaging abilities will open new opportunities for various photographic disciplines, from fine art, landscape, portrait and architecture to scientific applications.Phase-One-LogoFurthermore, the new achromatic CMOS sensor is engineered for instant live-view feedback. In addition, the sensor’s ability to see IR light allows the live view to display light that is normally invisible to the naked eye.

“Capturing in purely black and white means that even at a high ISO, the details produced have an analog-like smoothness, similar to film grains on a black-and-white film,” added Sandor. Furthermore, the absence of color makes it possible to stretch the images to the extreme while retaining the pure black-and-white image quality.

Additional IQ3 100MP Achromatic Features

The IQ3 100MP Achromatic digital back also provides an electronic shutter and long exposures of up to 60 minutes. It provides an HDMI output and also Wi-Fi capabilities. It integrates fully with the IQ3 XF camera system, as well as with other camera bodies.

Schneider Kreuznach Blue Ring Lenses

In addition, it has a sensitivity range extendable from ISO 50 to 12,800; a 3.2-inch touch display; and XF/H mount options.

The IQ3 100MP Achromatic digital back is available for preorder in a limited number. Shipping will begin in early August. The back has a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $49,990.

All Phase One XF IQ3 camera systems are supplied with a free Schneider Kreuznach Blue Ring prime lens of choice. The lens represents a value of up to $6,990. The SRP of the XF IQ3 100MP Achromatic bundled with the XF camera body and the free lens is $54,990.