Humaneyes Zone Launches for Hosting, Streaming & Sharing VR Stories

Humaneyes Zone Launches for Hosting, Streaming & Sharing VR Stories


Las Vegas, NV—Humaneyes Technologies introduced its next-generation VR, 3D 360º camera. In addition, the company announced Vuze+ owners will have access to the Humaneyes Zone VR platform. The Humaneyes Zone will allow them to host, stream and share VR content with a simple hyperlink.

“The VR camera market has steadily grown. But only few camera options allow users to shoot in true VR with 3D video. Additionally, once a video is shot and produced, many users don’t have a way to easily share their VR stories. This has been the key missing component in helping drive VR adoption,” said Humaneyes Technologies’ CEO, Shahar Bin-Nun.

The Humaneyes Zone is a VR publishing and sharing platform based on VR website technology. The open platform was developed to take VR storytelling to the next level, providing an end-to-end solution.  Humaneyes-Technologies-LogoThe site enables anyone, without technical or programming knowledge, to quickly create a VR website to showcase their VR content. Users can incorporate images, videos and text, plus additional pages, and interlink them, just like any other website. This enables them to tell a story in VR—whether it’s a tour of an apartment, a training session, a wedding or highlighting a vacation.

With a simple hyperlink, users can share their VR websites, and viewers can click a link to see the content in any browser. Moreover, for the best viewing experience, they can use VR headsets with their phones.

Humaneyes Zone Branded Websites

A free Humaneyes Zone branded website hosting 15GB of content is available for any VR user for two months. After that, users can sign up for a basic plan for $9.99/month or $99/year. The basic plan provides 5GB of content with the Humaneyes branded domain.

A premium plan, for $14.95/month or $149/year, includes 15GB of content and the Humaneyes branded domain. A pro plan is also available for $19.95/month or $199/year. It includes 30GB of content and a custom branded domain.