Editor’s Note: Inflation Rocks the Boat

Editor’s Note: Inflation Rocks the Boat


It is hard to believe all of the positive and negative signs that can affect our economy at the same time.

inflation lessons learned e-tailer of the year Family Reunions CES That Wasn't Turn the page Smartphone Debate PRO Alex boost 2019 State of the Industry June 2019 editor's note Jerry-Grossman-cropped-7-2016
Jerry Grossman

On the one hand, we hear about a growing economy setting records; as well as the “great resignation” with so many leaving their jobs for higher salaries or to just “take a break” after building up their savings during the Covid outbreak.

Inflation Complication

On the other hand, we’re now living through unprecedented supply chain issues. And add to that what we can now call rampant inflation on so many products. To say that these are “times that try men’s (and women’s) souls” is an understatement.

In the next issue, we will explore the different strategies retailers can employ during such an unpredictable business environment. However, in the meantime, we’d love to hear from you on what you’re doing to address these issues. Please send your suggestions and strategies to jgrossman@photoreporter.com. We look forward to sharing them with our readers.

Moreover, in our current issue, we try to bring a little of CES 2022 back to those who were unable (or unwilling) to make the trip to Las Vegas this year. While CES is still an important show, there is less and less emphasis on the imaging industry. However, we did our best to offer you the relevant highlights.

In this issue of Digital Imaging Reporter we also offer our selection of 10 favorite telephoto lenses.

In addition, please read George Schaub’s excellent column on the potential power of local photo exhibitions to grow your business. There is so much to be said for “thinking local” as a way to build your customer base. What’s more, doing it with photo exhibits that display the awesome power of imaging is an excellent way to start.

Stay warm!