June 2018 Editor’s Note: Summertime

June 2018 Editor’s Note: Summertime


Happy summertime to all!

We’re excited about our June issue this year for a number of reasons.

Jerry Grossman

First and foremost, we’re thrilled by the enthusiasm shown for our newest feature—Superstars Behind the Counter. We asked for your nominations and received more than we expected! We had to keep this year’s honorees to just eight. However, we promise to continue this as an annual feature in Digital Imaging Reporter.

It’s also fun to approach the summer with so many opportunities to sell great products. From our review of Eight Great DSLRs as well as our look at Rugged, Outdoor Point & Shoot Cameras to our examination of Smartphone Apps for Summer Picture Taking, it is clear there is certainly no shortage of selling opportunities this summer.


We’ve also made a change to the Instagram photographer feature on our In the News page. We’ve renamed it #RealCamerasRock!

In support of the Imaging Alliance’s focus on encouraging the use of “real cameras,” we’d like to encourage all of you to upload great pictures taken with DSLR, mirrorless and point-and-shoot cameras to #realcamerasrock on Instagram.

Moreover, the more we can demonstrate the difference that a “real camera” can make, the more likely it is that people will look for these kinds of cameras and accessories.

We hope you enjoy a great summer selling season!