Zeiss and Birdability Partner to Promote Accessibility for All Birders

Zeiss and Birdability Partner to Promote Accessibility for All Birders

© Melanie Furr, Georgia Audubon

Reno, NV—Zeiss announced its partnership with Birdability, a newly created nonprofit organization based in the U.S. but with global reach. Birdability was formed to increase inclusion and access in the birding community and the outdoors.

Moreover, Birdability’s vision is that birding is truly for everybody. In addition, the organization’s mission is to share the joys of birding with people who have disabilities. It also hopes to ensure birding is accessible for everyone. Besides financial support, Zeiss also provides different optics.

“Zeiss sees itself as a true community partner; it believes in supporting causes championing the inclusiveness Birdability seeks to develop awareness for,” said Rich Moncrief, manager, New Business Development, Nature and Observation.

Zeiss Birdability Appreciating a thoughtfully designed railing on an accessible trail

Zeiss optics will support virtual programming as well as bring birds into the homes of attendees who can not get out and see the birds in person.

“They will also enable sharing the joys of birding with even more people during in-person events, closer and in clearer focus—particularly important for people with low vision,” commented Freya McGregor, Birdability’s coordinator and occupational therapist.

“We are sure this will allow more people with disabilities and other health concerns to fall in love with birds and the wonders of nature; and in turn, do what they can to protect our planet.”

The Zeiss sponsorship will also support Birdability in creating resources that encourage birders to contribute birding locations to the Birdability Map. This crowd-sourced global map of accessible birding locations outlines details of the accessibility features of these locations. As a result, birders with accessibility challenges can find vital access information about birding locations in advance.


Through education, outreach and advocacy, Birdability works to ensure the birding community and the outdoors are welcoming, inclusive, safe and accessible for everybody.

The organization focuses on people with mobility challenges; blindness or low vision; chronic illness; intellectual or developmental disabilities; mental illness; and those who are neurodivergent, deaf or hard of hearing.

In addition to current birders, Birdability strives to introduce birding to people with disabilities and other health concerns who are not yet birders.